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How do I add the "Contact" component?
Contact  This option allows you to add a link to contact the event organizer directly. To add it, please follow the steps below: Click on the (+) but...
How do I add several Google maps?
Map  This option lets you add a Google Maps. Simply enter the address of your choice. It can be the same as the one entered in the General Info tab, o...
How do I add a "Countdown" component?
Countdown  This option allows you to add a countdown.   To add it, please follow the steps below: Click on the (+) button between two cell blocks I...
How do I add the "Album" component?
Album  This option allows you to add photos taken during your event. This option is an extra service. Please contact us if you wish to unlock it.
How do I add the "Event description" component?
Event description  This module inserts a text block dedicated to the event's description.  To edit the event description, please go to Configuratio...
How can I insert a link to a page outside of my website?
To add a link to a page on your website, an option available only for Multi-Page websites, simply follow the steps below: Click on the (+) button between ...
How can I insert a link to the notification e-mail address?
To insert a link to the notification e-mail address, simply follow the steps below: Click on the (+) button between two cell blocks In the Component opti...
How can I insert a link to an external link to the event?
You can also insert a link directly into a text cell. To add an external link to a text cell, simply follow these steps: Click on the (+) button betwe...
How can I insert an image using the text field?
To insert an image using the text field, simply follow the steps below: Click on the (+) button between two cell blocks In the Content option of the Ins...
How can I create a table using the text field?
To create a table using the text field, simply follow these steps: Click on the (+) button between two cell blocks In the Content option of the Insert b...