• To edit the website, go to "Configuration" --> "Edit Website"You will be able to :
  • Personalize your website design
  • Add several languages
  • Modify your menus and sub-menus
  • Modify the contents of your pages

            1. Change the design of your website

You need to click on "Change your design"
There are 3 possibilities:
-Classic Design (formed with a logo and the event details on one side & the content of your website on the other)
-Personalized Design (with a complete background)
-Modern Design (with a banner ad an horizontal menus. The website is responsive)To optimize your use of your platform, please use the modern design. The website is responsive, i.e. it can adapt itself to the different electronic devices. It's more intuitive and you can add a aesthetic banner. To add a banner, click on "Add picture". Your banner might be cropped depending on the size of the screen. So, it is better if you don't put too much info on the banner.

You can find the recommendations on "More info..."  under the "header background"

4 personalized tabs are available: "General" "Page content" "Menu" "Form". Everything can be personalized.

                2.  Languages
To select several languages for your website, click on:
Then tick each language you want to add and update.

Once it's done, you can switch the language of your website in one click.

Warning: The modifications of your website are not automatically translated. You need to modify the website for each language.

             3. Modify your menus and sub-menus
To edit your menus, pass your computer mouse on the menus, and click on the little sheet with the pencil.
"HOME": Home page of your event website
"REGISTRATION": Registration form page
"Practical Info": Practical Info page with an interactive google map. The address shown on this map is the one inquired in "General Info".
"Participants": List of the guests

Label: You can modify the labels of your menus. Don't forget the translation.
Page Visibility: 

VISIBLE: You can see the page on your Front office and your Back Office.
UNDER CONSTRUCTION: You can not see it on the Front Office, but you can modify it on your Back Office.
DisabledYou can not see it on the Front Office neither on the Back Office.

Display Conditions:  It will display the page only for the ticked categories.
Menu position: You can decide the order of your menus and sub-menus.

WARNING: You need to "Submit" and "Save" after each modification.

        4. Edit the content of your Website

To edit a text, double-click on it or pass you computer mouse on the text and click on the little sheet with the pencil.

-DON'T copy/paste in your cell text editor. It's better to copy in plain text (Ctrl-Shift key-V) and modify your text directly in the cell text editor of Evenium.
-Don't forget to "Submit" and "Save", once you're done with your modifications.

Warning: If you have several languages, modify your text in each language. You can switch by clicking on the littles flags.