The import of guests allows you to add participants to your database so you can email them afterwards, and access their details before or after validation of the registration Form.   

There are two ways to add participants to your event :

  • Adding participants manually
  • Mass importing an Excel file

This setting up guide will present these two options

    1. Adding participants manually 

This allows you to add participants one by one to your database.

To add a participant manually, click on Participants and hen on the icon Add.

You will need to fill in your participant's related details (first name, last name, email address) :

That person will be added to your event. You will be able to access that person's registration form.

    2. Adding participants through an import 

This allows you to import many participants thanks to an Excel file.

To add participants through an import, click on Participants, and then click on Import

Notes :

  • The Excel file's columns must perfectly match your Registration form's fields.
  • The minimum required fields are your participant's first name, last name and email address..
  • During the import, copy and paste your Excel file's data including the column's titles.

Here are the steps to follow to import with an Excel file :

  • Step 1 : copy/paste your data in the white frame then click 'Continue'.
  • Step 2 : check the matching of the data with the platform's fields and click on 'Submit'.
  • Step 3 : 'Submit' : the platform will let you know if there are errors.

A report will be able and downloadable in an Excel file after the import.