This explanatory sheet is made for you if you have subscribed to the paid module Online Photo Album.

You will see a tab entitled "Photo Album" appear on your event:


On this tab, you have the button Add a new album at your disposal.  


Once you have clicked on the button above, a pop-up will appear, and you will be able to enter the name of your new album. The label will be set once you click on the Create button.


Then you will be redirected to the page where you can add photos by selecting them from your computer.


After clicking on the Save button, you will return to the main page and see the album you have just created.

By clicking on the Preview button to the right of the album name, you will see the final display of the album. 

By clicking on the Edit button, you can change the title of your album (the label that participants will see when they click on the link to the album) and add more photos. 



Once you have created your albums, you can create a page on your website where your participants can view the photos.


The link where they will click can be created by going into the Cell text editor, typing the name of your album, highlighting the text, and clicking on the Camera icon :


      1. Please type the name of your album

      2. Then highlight the text and click on the Insert / Edit Photo Album icon.



Then select one of your albums from the drop-down list and click on Insert.