To create your import, please follow the steps below:
- Create the registration form (each column in your file must represent a field in your form)
- Prepare the Excel file so that the column headings correspond to the form fields (minimum surname, first name and e-mail address).
- In the Participants tab, click on the Import button
- Then click on :
a. Import from Excel or CSV file: Click on Browse and select your file
Then click on Validate, the platform will automatically recognize where the information should go.
Click on Next, and the platform will check with which form fields to associate the imported fields.
Click on Next to continue the import if all columns are correct, otherwise select the correct field by clicking on the blue field name.
Complete the import by clicking on Import.
b. Copy/paste from Excel and follow the import steps: copy all the columns to be imported, along with their titles.
Then follow the same steps as for importing from an Excel or CSV file.