Image GridUne image contenant texte, motif, conception

Description générée automatiquement

In this cell, you can add several images that will be placed horizontally side by side.

You can crop them, add a Main title and a Secondary title that will appear below each image, add a Link to a Page on your website (if you have a Multi-Page website) or to an external website, and add an Alternative text.

The alternative text describes the image’s content. Embedded in the code, it’s not visible on 

the website but helps those using screen readers understand what the image represents

To add it, please follow these steps:

  • Click on the (+) button between two cell blocks
  • In the Content option of the Insert block, click on the Image grid logo
  • Choose your first image from your computer in JPEG, GIF or PNG format
  • Click on the blue arrow to the right of the image to be able to crop it, add a Main title and a Secondary title that will appear below each image, add a Link to a Page on your website (if you have a Multi-Page site) or to an external website, and add an Alt Text
  • Choose your second image from your computer by clicking on Add image and repeat the previous step
  • You can rearrange the order by dragging and dropping the images

                                          Une image contenant texte, Visage humain, capture d’écran, personne

Description générée automatiquement

  • Click on More options to choose Maximum card size, Grid position, Image area ratio, Image fit and Image border radius
  • In the More options, you can also customize the Grid Style, the Main title and the Secondary titre. 
  • Choose whether you want to add margins to the top and bottom of your grid, have it fit the full-screen width, or add a background.
  • Click on Add 

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, Police, logiciel

Description générée automatiquement

Une image contenant texte, Visage humain, capture d’écran, personne

Description générée automatiquement