Differentiated display options allow a maximum level of customization for your event website, your registration and your e-mails form depending on the different types of participants.
The objective of this module is to be able to display different information and different questions for each category of guest.
This is achieved by following a number of steps:
Step 1: Define the type of guest by creating separate participant categories
Step 2: Designate the questions on your registration form according to category
Step 3: Choose which pages will be visible to which categories
Step 4: Display some field of your e-mail depending on the category
Step 5: Import or create guests with categories
Step 6: Test the registration form
Step 1: Create your categories
On the registration form, you will see a button marked 'Categories...'
Click on the button "Add a new category" to create new categories. You will be able to change the name and the color of the category.
Step 2: Defined questions
On your registration form, when you create and modify a question, on the lower left corner of the window, there is the link "Display Conditions"
Here you can choose which categories will be able to see the question.
You can know which question have a display condition with the logo on the right side of the question.
Step 3: Visible pages on the website
On your site, you are also capable of showing certain pages according to the participant's category.To edit the menus click on the little logo highlighted in yellow.
This window will pop up: Click on the page that you would like a specific category to be able to see. By default, all categories will automatically be ticked.
For each page with differentiated display, this icon will appear in the back office. Hover your cursor over the icon to see the selected categories for this page.
Step 4: Different displays of the e-mail depending on the category
To do this process, go on "Configuration" --> "Edit Emails". Click on a the field you want to edit. Then, go on "Display conditions".
A window will pop up and you need to tick the box of each category which will see the field.
You will also be able to display your message depending on their answers on the registration form.
Step 5: Import/Create your guests
You can edit the category of your participants by clicking on the 'Participants' tab in the menu bar.
There are three ways to create guests:
1)Importing: Create an Excel document with your participants' information. Make sure to include a column marked 'Category'. You can then import your participants' information directly onto the platform.
2)Adding a single participant: Once you have added a participant, fill in the name and surname. Under this you will see the field 'Category': select the name of the category of your participant, then submit.
3)Editing several participants at once: If you have already imported your contacts without putting them in a category, you can edit several at once by clicking on the 'Modify' button. Select all the participants in a single category, then click on 'Modify'. The following window will open:
Step 6: Test
Before sending your invitations, make sure that all your registration forms and pages appear correctly for each category of guest.
Follow the steps below to test your categories:
- Create a test participant for each category
- Send an invitation email to each test participant
NB: You can make as many email invitations as you have different categories: make sure that you apply the correct 'Category' filter before sending to avoid making mistakes.
Once you have received the email, follow the same steps as your guests and click on the link to the site. Test the site as though you were a participant.
Check that the information on each page appears correctly for each category.
Ensure that the registration form appears as required and that each question is visible for the appropriate categories.
If everything is displayed correctly, confirm your attendance at the event.
Go back to your email and check that you have received a confirmation email, and that the information within it
matches what you put in the registration form.
Go back to the site by clicking on the link listed in the confirmation list, then click 'not attending'.
Make sure that you have received the email confirming your absence.
Repeat this test for each category. If everything works as desired, you are now ready to send your invitation emails.