Le formulaire d'inscription/Registration Form (à fusionner)

General Configuration of the Registration Form
To edit your registration form, please go on the "Configuration" tab and "Update registration form".    1. Set up your Registration form...
Differentiated display options for separate categories
Differentiated display options allow a maximum level of customization for your event website, your registration and your e-mails form depending on the diffe...
Read-Only/Administrator questions
It is possible to create questions for the guest, to which they can see the answer but not change its content.     How to set up ? In the « Configuration...
Date/Date & Time field
This Field allows the participant to add a Date & Time (e.g. Time of meeting) in their registration form. Follow this process: Go on the "Config...
Replacement Management
The Management of replacements allows you to optimize the management of your participants for your event. Fundamentally, the participants can choose the...
Plus one Management
Plus one Management is a section in the registration form that allow the participant to add one or several plus one. With 'Plus one Management' you ...