It is possible to create questions for the guest, to which they can see the answer but not change its content.

    How to set up ?

  • In the « Configuration » tab – Update Registration Form
  • Create your questions using the personalized fields and modules
  • Edit the selected questions – via the pencil


A pop up window appears – at the bottom of the page : you have the « Advanced » option – click on it :
Then tick « Make this field read only »This question will no longer be editable in front office – only editable by the organizers.

It is possible to create questions to add some information about the participant, only readable by the organizer in the Back Office.

    How to set up ?

  • In the « Configuration » tab – Update Registration Form
  • Create your questions only visible in the Back Office
  • Click on the question to edit it

A pop up window appears – at the top of the page : you have the "Display conditions" - click on it:

Then tick "Display only for the main administrators"