The Participants tab allows you to manage your database through :

→ Viewing your guest list, their status (confirmed, cancelled, waiting list, etc), and your guest's answers to the registration form.

→ Viewing the sent emails' status (sent, error, answered).

If your guest replies, the message will appear in ''Last Message (Rsp.)'' > Click on it to see this message.

→ Modifying your participant's registration form by clicking on his/her last name.

You have the option to sort and filter the participants through the columns' titles that are displayed in the Participants tab.

Sorting : click on the column's title.

When sorting by column, a blue triangle will appear next to that column.

Example : by clicking on Name, the participant's list will be sorted by alphabetical order.

Filters : click on the little upside downed invisible triangle right next to the column you wish to filter.
All of your participants' answers will appear and you will be able to select the one that fits your need.
When a filter has been set up, the little upside downed triangle will be red.

Note : To remove the sorting or filtering of a column, refresh your screen, or click on the 'Participants' tab.

To modify which columns are displayed on the screen / exported, click on This window will appear :

  • Select a column,
  • Click on 'Add'
  • Then 'Submit'

Note : The report will not take into account any sorting or filtering in place.