When you connect yourself onto the platform, you arrive on a page with all your events. To add a new user, click on the tab “Users” : 

On this page, you will have a list of all your platform’s users. Starting from this page, click on “Add a new user”: 

A new window will appear, containing a form resuming all your new user’s main information: 

Then, you will need to fill in the mandatory fields to create the new user (the red asterisks are the required fields).

Different types of access

  • Access to all events: gives an administrator access on all the events of your platform

  • Access to certain events: allows the user to access certain events you decided to give access to. Then, you will have to decide which event you want them to access to. 

Remarks: an email is automatically sent out to the new user for him to create his password to connect and activate his account. 

CAUTION: Every user created is able to create events.