The”Upload photo” question is a specific question in the pre-defined templates of the registration form. It allows the guest to upload their photo and the organizer to create a photo album of their guests.

1st step: Adding the “Upload photo” question onto the registration form

2nd step: Sending out invitations - Collecting photos 

Step 3: Exporting photos

To modify the registration form, go under the “Configuration” - “Update registration form” tab:

Add the question "Upload Photo" in your form :

On the registration form, the question will appear as follow:

By clicking on the "+", the participant will have the possibility to upload his photo when he/she will register to the event.

Then, you will be able to find all your guests’ uploaded photos under the “Guests” tab. To do so, click on the “Album” button under your “Guests” tab:

You will then have a new window that will open with all your guests’ photos.

On the top right, an export button allows you to download all the photos in a compressed file in "zip" format: